“A very, very riveting film.”
A father’s struggle to include his disabled son in everyday life
Northfield News
Busting down the barriers for all
Source: Northfield News; January 17, 2010
Northfield News
Busting down the barriers for all
Source: Northfield News; January 17, 2010
NHPTV's "NH Outlook and Including Samuel"
"Including Samuel: A NH Outlook Special"
Source: NHPTV; April 19, 2009
Additional Info: New Hampshire Public Television's "NH Outlook" received a documentary story merit award for "Including Samuel" at the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters annual Golden Mike ceremony.
NHPTV's "NH Outlook and Including Samuel"
"Including Samuel: A NH Outlook Special"
Source: NHPTV; April 19, 2009
Additional Info: New Hampshire Public Television's "NH Outlook" received a documentary story merit award for "Including Samuel" at the New Hampshire Association of Broadcasters annual Golden Mike ceremony.
Norwich Bulletin
Film promotes inclusion of disabled childen
Source: Norwich Bulletin; November 4, 2009
Norwich Bulletin
Film promotes inclusion of disabled childen
Source: Norwich Bulletin; November 4, 2009
National Press Photographers Association
Habib's film about inclusion airs nationwide on PBS
Source: NPPA; September 28, 2009
National Press Photographers Association
Habib's film about inclusion airs nationwide on PBS
Source: NPPA; September 28, 2009
Education Week
Documentary on Inclusion to be Aired on PBS
Source: Education Week; September 17, 2009
Additional Info: "The film focuses on their experiences, hopes, struggles, fears, and triumphs with inclusive classrooms."
Education Week
Documentary on Inclusion to be Aired on PBS
Source: Education Week; September 17, 2009
Additional Info: "The film focuses on their experiences, hopes, struggles, fears, and triumphs with inclusive classrooms."
Dartmouth Medicine Magazine
Film chronicles the impact of chronic illness
Source: Dartmouth Medicine Magazine; Spring 2009
Additional Info: “Dr. Pamela Hofley, a pediatric gastroenterologist who treats Samuel at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Manchester, says ‘it’s a good thing for medical students, nursing students to see.’ Hofley adds that the film helps health-care professionals to have ‘a sense of what is it like to have a child like this in your home . . . to see the child outside of the office environment.’”
Dartmouth Medicine Magazine
Film chronicles the impact of chronic illness
Source: Dartmouth Medicine Magazine; Spring 2009
Additional Info: “Dr. Pamela Hofley, a pediatric gastroenterologist who treats Samuel at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Manchester, says ‘it’s a good thing for medical students, nursing students to see.’ Hofley adds that the film helps health-care professionals to have ‘a sense of what is it like to have a child like this in your home . . . to see the child outside of the office environment.’”
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Born with cerebral palsy, but a boy like any other
Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Additional Info: “When a young son’s parents learned of his disability, they decided to mainstream him whenever possible. Now, they’re hoping the rest of the world can catch up to this 8-year-old.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Born with cerebral palsy, but a boy like any other
Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Additional Info: “When a young son’s parents learned of his disability, they decided to mainstream him whenever possible. Now, they’re hoping the rest of the world can catch up to this 8-year-old.”
New Hampshire Magazine
Download (14.87 KB)
Source: Dan Habib and Family, Inclusve Crusaders; November 1, 2008
New Hampshire Magazine