Here you will find downloadable articles, curricula, essays, and videos on inclusion, divided into sections.
Note: All submitted Word documents or PDFs must be accompanied by written permission from the copyright owner in order to be considered. Website links do not need this permission.
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Publisher: The American Occupational Therapy Association
Summary: Occupational therapy practitioners work in school teams to benefit all students to achieve greater success in academic performance and enhance social participation. They can support children in general education, at-risk children, and those identified for special education. Occupational therapy practitioners support educators so that students achieve adequate yearly progress and maintain appropriate school behavior necessary for learning
Resource Type: Related Service Providers

Publisher: Teaching Exceptional Children (2005)
Summary: This journal article summarizes the potential benefits of providing paraprofessional supports, discusses five research-based reasons why school personnel and parents should be concerned about the assignment of individual paraprofessionals, and offers a set of considerations to guide the assignment of paraprofessionals.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Parents & Family Members

Summary: This book by Judy Winter provides detailed information on how to let go of the “perfect-baby” dream, face and resolve grief, access early intervention services, and avoid the use of limiting and outdated labels.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Sally Romansky’s middle grade novel, "Invincible," offers an opportunity to explore inclusion through popular fiction. The fantasy/adventure set in the middle ages centers around identical twin princesses, one of whom is unable to walk but is determined to discover life’s possibilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: An international magazine focusing on disability from a civil-rights perspective.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Robert Rummel-Hudson, whose daughter was diagnosed at age 3 with polymicrogyria, a rare disorder that leaves her unable to speak, writes about his family in his memoir, "Schuyler’s Monster: A Father’s Journey with His Wordless Daughter."
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: The Clipboard, Monadnock Developmental Services (2008)
Summary: A letter from a parent to her community members about the educational choices she has made for her daughter with autism.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Youth, Parents & Family Members

Publisher: FPG Child Development Institute, Chapel Hill, NC (2000)
Summary: This guide was developed to help administrators who are responsible for setting up, monitoring, supporting and maintaining inclusive programs for preschool children with and without disabilities. It delineates barriers and roadblocks, while at the same time offering strategies, supports, and illustrations. One very useful feature is the section on collaboration and consultation. The guide was developed by the Early Childhood Research Institute on Inclusion, a 5-year national research project that ended in 2000.
Resource Type: Administrators

Summary: AANE offers a comprehensive array of programs and services responsive to the needs of the various sectors of the AS community.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A site dedicated to raising awareness of Ataxic cerebral palsy.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: This autism advocacy organization is dedicated to social justice for people with autism.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: ASA is a leading source of information about autism. It provides financial support for autism research and programs.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A guide to common sleep disorders that people with Autism experience, along with some suggestions for getting better rest.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: College resources for students with disabilities. Prospective college students with disabilities will find that many campuses are equipped with offices and services that address accessibility, accommodation, and assistive technology for a diverse range of needs.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Topics in Language Disorders (2006)
Summary: Descriptions of team member perceptions are reported regarding improvements in teaming practices, expectations for student learning, and student performance based on initial implementation of the Beyond Access Model.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Related Service Providers

Summary: The BCCC is an organization of Syracuse University students who are working to create and support a positive climate toward disability that values individual difference in all University settings.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A comprehensive resource for families coping with birth trauma.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Norman Kunc (featured in "Including Samuel") & Emma Van der Klift: Helping individuals with disabilities and their families live rich and meaningful lives in their communities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Brookes produces research-based books on inclusive education, autism, Down syndrome, positive behavior supports and child development. Publications offer practical strategies, intervention methods and stories of real-life success.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The center is a network of academic programs, centers, student organizations and affiliated faculty promoting the rights of people with disabilities locally, nationally and globally.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: An organization that provides free educational information and support to those who have been affected by cerebral palsy.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Cerebral Palsy Group
Summary: Cerebral Palsy Guidance was created to provide answers and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy.
Resource Type: Parents & Family Members, Self-Advocates, Related Service Providers
Publisher: International Journal of Whole Schooling (2007)
Summary: All across the country, individuals are being recognized for successfully promoting inclusion in schools. The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the salient characteristics of the champions of inclusion.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Parents & Family Members

Publisher: EBP Briefs (April 2006)
Summary: A comparison of speech and language outcomes for preschool and early elementary students who received in classroom-based versus pull-out services.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Related Service Providers

Summary: College students with disabilities have rights that allow for specific accommodations to help them succeed in school. Learn about legal protections, scholarships, technologies, and other assistance available to students with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: An international professional educational organization promoting professional leadership, providing an opportunity for study of problems common to its members, and communicating, through discussion and publications, information that will develop improved services for exceptional children.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Chapter: Voice of Inclusion: Everything About Bob Was Cool, Including the Cookies
Publisher: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (1995)
Summary: This book chapter features the remembrances of a university faculty member who worked with the Winooski, Vermont school system to integrate one of the first students with multiple disabilities. Between Chapters 6 and 7 in "Creating an Inclusive School, 2nd Edition."
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators
URL: Creating an Inclusive School, 2nd Edition
Publisher: The School Administrator (2008)
Summary: An education for children with disabilities that, as one principal puts it, offers “nothing separate, no special spaces, no special teachers.”
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth
URL: Creating Inclusive Schools for All Students
Summary: There are many changes you can make to your child’s living environment to help alleviate her symptoms and promote learning. But where to begin? To help the many already-frazzled parents of children with ADHD create the ideal environment for their children, we are providing this comprehensive guide covering everything you need to know about optimizing your child’s environment to promote learning and alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: TASH (1999)
Summary: This article describes the importance of all IEP team members developing a shared understanding about the role of the paraprofessional on the student’s educational team. It also describes some of the dangers in providing a 1:1 paraprofessional to a student with a significant disability and suggests alternatives for using that staff person in an expanded role for all students.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Parents & Family Members

Summary: The Disability is Natural website, by BraveHeart Press owner Kathie Snow, presents essays and resources that encourage new ways of thinking about disability.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI) at the FPG Child Development Institute
Summary: The collection of resources on early childhood inclusion developed through a collaborative national process that was coordinated by the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI) at the FPG Child Development Institute. It was released in 2009 and is available for download.
Resource Type: Administrators, Youth, Parents & Family Members

URL: Early Childhood Inclusion
Summary: The definitive guide to emotional support animals.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Emotional Support Animals
Publisher: Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire (2009)
Summary: This document was first developed as part of a model demonstration project called "Beyond Access" that was funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs from 2002-2006. It reflects practices that have usually been associated with students with autism, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, and deaf-blindness. Most of the practices are applicable, however, to all students with and without disabilities, because they are based on principles of universal design for instruction and learning.
Resource Type: Administrators

Summary: A magazine and online resource for parents of children or young adults with disabilities. Includes reports, forum, products links and books. EP addresses issues such as choosing a primary care physician, financial planning, inclusion, transitioning and more.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A website dedicated to diversity exhibits that travel to communities. Their newest photography exhibit "The Road to Freedom" focuses on children, teens, and adults with the full spectrum of physical, sensory, learning, and mental disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Family Diversity Projects
Summary: A national network that provides families with the tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships among professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Coupon Follow
Summary: Discounts, tips, and information for travel, utilities, software, and assistive technologies for college students with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Financial Resources
Summary: A 12-minute video on inclusion by the Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: This guide offers information, expert advice and resources to help make the transition to college smooth and successful for students with ASD and their families.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The fully accessible guide to paying for college for students with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum
Summary: One way to make a curriculum more supportive of students and teachers is to incorporate graphic organizers. This paper examines the research on educational applications of graphic organizers in grades K-12 and explores points of intersection with Universal Design for Learning.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Parents & Family Members

Summary: A guide that will talk you through how to cope with sensory overload while out and about, and offer some advice on potential home improvements that could provide you with a little more peace within your own four walls.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Senory Overload Guide
Publisher: Lendedu
Summary: With this guide, college students with disabilities can better access a listing of the scholarships available to them and learn about the certain programs that can help further their education.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Guide to Paying for College
Summary: The goal of the federally funded Center is to increase the competence, confidence, and effectiveness of personnel in Head Start programs to include children with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (2005)
Summary: This brief article argues that assigning 1:1 paraprofessionals has negative unintended consequences for students with significant disabilities and suggests alternatives to this model of support delivery.
Resource Type: Administrators

Summary: A resource on how prioritizing education about disability and inclusion can protect vulnerable students from bullying and promote empathy and kindness.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Parents & Family Members, Additional Resources
URL: Download Teach Children
Summary: “I’m Tyler...don’t be surprised” is a peek into a real kid’s life where people just like you have realized what a kid CAN do is much more important than what he can’t.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Youth, Parents & Family Members
Publisher: Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota (2003)
Summary: This newsletter issue presents articles on the rationale for inclusion, including students with the most significant disabilities, teaching to diversity in an age of high stakes testing, the leadership role of special education directors, collaborative teaming, middle and high school inclusion, and more.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth
URL: Impact
Summary: Provides disability advocates with news, information and commentary about community inclusion, self-determination and social justice.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Inclusion Press creates person-centered resource materials for training events, public schools, community colleges, universities, human service agencies, health organizations, government agencies, families, First Nations organizations nationally and internationally.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: TASH
Summary: An overview of the state of inclusive education in the United States, published in July 2009 for a TASH Congresssional Briefing on Inclusive Education.
Resource Type: Administrators, Youth, Parents & Family Members

Summary: The Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) is a web-based resource for families, schools and communities that promotes inclusive educational practices. This resource has grown out of Inclusive Schools Week™, an internationally recognized annual event sponsored by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC).
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The Institute on Disability provides publications, university training programs, conferences and workshops, and other resources related to school and community inclusion.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Working to advance the identification, prevention, and treatment of developmental and learning disorders.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A complete guide on how a how a therapy dog can help a child with autism.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The mission of Kids Included Together is to support recreational, child development, and youth development programs that include children with and without disabilities. KIT’s goals are to enrich the lives of all who participate and to increase understanding and acceptance of disabilities as a natural part of life.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The goals of Kids Together, Inc. include a desire to remove barriers that exclude people with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Wood-Lewis Family (2009)
Summary: The MAPS process can help families, professionals, and a special student’s peers find ways to fully include the student in school, in a classroom with classmates who are the same age. MAPS is different from some other planning tools because in it participants focus on what the student can do, instead of on his or her weakness.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Publisher: Kansas State Board of Education (1992)
Summary: The MAPS process can help families, professionals, and a special student’s peers find ways to fully include the student in school, in a classroom with classmates who are the same age. MAPS is different from some other planning tools because in it participants focus on what the student can do, instead of on his or her weakness.
Resource Type: Administrators, Youth, Parents & Family Members

Summary: An extensive campus listing of schools offering a master's degree in Occupational Therapy as well as helpful career information.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: An online guidebook for special education degree programs at not-for-profit universities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire (2009)
Summary: This meeting agenda template provides a guide for educational team members to use when they meet to do instructional planning around the inclusion of a student with significant disabilities in a general education classroom. Note: This planning form is included in Jorgensen, C.M., McSheehan, M., & Sonnenmeier, R.M. (2009) "The Beyond Access Model: Membership, participation, and learning for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in general education classrooms." Available at
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators

Summary: The corporate foundation of the Mitsubishi Electric group working to make changes for the better in society by investing in innovative strategies to empower youth with disabilities to lead productive lives. Creators of the Path to Inclusion guidebook, which was developed and disseminated to mainstream youth-serving programs such as scout troops and after-school programs as an introduction to inclusive practices.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A bi-monthly disability rights magazine.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: NAMI is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The organization focuses on the positive impact that people with Down syndrome can make on society.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: NECTAC is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education to strengthen service systems to ensure that children with disabilities (birth through 5 years) and their families receive and benefit from high quality, culturally appropriate and family-centered supports and services.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: NJCLD is a national committee of representatives of organizations dedicated to the education and welfare of individuals with learning disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire (2009)
Summary: Program from the New England Inclusive Education Leadership Summit on April 10, 2009. Includes conference schedule, strand descriptions, planning committee members, and research and online resources on inclusive education.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Summary: The New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities is a federally funded agency that supports public policies and initiatives that remove barriers and promote opportunities in all areas of life.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: NH Family Voices works to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: 101 of the best Autism and Asperger's resources on the web.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Equity & Excellence in Education (2008)
Summary: This journal article outlines the dispositions necessary for school leaders in order to develop and maintain inclusive educational services for all students.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators
URL: Oppressors or Emancipators
Summary: Providing information, training and support to families of children with disabilities in New Hampshire.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Wood-Lewis Family (2006)
Summary: A family’s start-of-school letter to the students and families in their son Ben’s class.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Chapter: What Have We Learned About Creating Inclusive Elementary Schools?
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. (2000)
Summary: This book chapter describes what has been learned about creating inclusive elementary schools. It presents the perspectives of a university inclusive education consultant, a special educator/inclusion facilitator, a parent, and an inclusion consultant.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Parents & Family Members

Chapter: Supporting Students with Emotional Disabilities in General Education Classrooms
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. (2000)
Summary: This book chapter describes how the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire worked with several school districts to develop and implement proactive strategies and supports for students identified as “seriously emotionally handicapped” to be members of general education classrooms.
Resource Type: Administrators, Youth, Parents & Family Members

Summary: On their pathway in life, young people often participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, from sports to clubs to internships. But for youth with disabilities, opportunities may be few or available only in segregated settings. This publication is designed as a guide to expanding those opportunities by helping you—as a youth program leader or volunteer—learn how to make your organization fully accessible to all young people.
Resource Type: Administrators, Parents & Family Members, Self-Advocates

Summary: Paula Kluth, Ph.D., is a former special educator who has served as a classroom teacher, consulting teacher, and inclusion facilitator. The website promotes inclusive schooling and explores ways of supporting students with autism and other disabilities. Her books include "You’re Going to Love this Kid."
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: This site provides training, information and technical assistance, including best practices, to families and professionals working with children, youth, and adults with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Philadelphia Inclusion Network (2002)
Summary: The Philadelphia Teaching and Learning Collaborative completed a series of research and professional development activities with inner city child caregivers that resulted in the establishment of the Philadelphia Inclusion Network (PIN). PIN developed a series of training programs and modules for child caregivers in home and center-based settings and a number of research-based publications supporting inclusive practices within natural environments.
Resource Type: Self-Advocates, Related Service Providers, Community Members
URL: Philadelphia Inclusion Network Training Programs
Summary: A distributor of curriculum and multimedia resources on a wide variety of disability-related topics, including disability awareness, advocacy, assistive technology and learning disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire (2009)
Summary: A brainstormed list of the qualities of effective leadership for inclusive education.
Resource Type: Administrators, Youth, Parents & Family Members

Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, Inc. (2007)
Summary: The bestselling, teacher-trusted "Quick Guides to Inclusion" are now available in a single updated and revised volume--complete with 7 all-new Quick-Guides on today's hottest inclusion topics. This is a must for busy K-12 teachers who need fast, friendly and practical guidance on including students with disabilities in general education classrooms.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators
URL: Quick Guides to Inclusion
Summary: Find funding, advocacy organizations, networking opportunities, and other support that make paying for and getting through college easier.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: To help students with vision loss or impairment, colleges, non-profits, and private companies have a number of scholarships and resources available. Find more than 40 technological, career, and financial ways to pay for and succeed in college.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: We have compiled an extensive list of scholarships that provide funding relief for students with all types of disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Resources on how to assist a child with autism to take medication.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus (2009)
Summary: This article, written from a parent's perspective, highlights a series of questions that school leadership, educators, and families can ask themselves in reflecting on whether their schools offer authentically inclusive experiences.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators

Publisher: Educational Administration Quarterly (2007)
Summary: This journal article describes the results of a qualitative study of school principals, describing: (a) how the principals enacted social justice, (b) the resistance they faced, and (c) the strategies they developed to sustain their social justice work.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Parents & Family Members

Summary: Keith Jones (featured in "Including Samuel") runs SoulTouchin’ Experiences, a progressive corporation with the goal of providing unique products and services for people across age, disability, culture, geography, and socio-economic status.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: An online resource for mastering the terminology, procedures, and best practices in special education drawing on the expertise of parents, educators, and researchers.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A resource that features dozens of support groups, therapy options, apps, associations, and other resources for college students with a wide range of speech, language, and communicative disorders.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A comprehensive college admission guide for students with disabilities in the UK.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire
Summary: A summary of studies showing the benefits of inclusive education.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Summary: TASH is an international membership association advocating inclusive communities with a focus on research, education and advocacy. TASH members are people with disabilities, family members, fellow citizens, advocates, educators and other professionals.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: This national professional association represents the interests and concerns of occupational therapy practitioners and students of occupational therapy and hopes to improve the quality of occupational therapy services.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The world’s largest grassroots organization of and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, with more than 140,000 members affiliated through more than 850 state and local chapters across the nation.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: How disabled students can find scholarships and other tuition assistance.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
URL: Download Best Scholarships
Summary: This article aims to emphasize the importance of early intervention services for individuals with ASD and how parents, caregivers, and therapists can effectively help.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Disability Solutions (2005)
Summary: This article suggests that inclusive education will not be successful until people change their attitudes and assumptions about the competence of children and youth with disabilities. It suggests that the “least dangerous assumption” is to presume that all students can learn the general education curriculum in the general education classroom.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Summary: Research relating to the connection between Autism Spectrum Disorder and sleep issues.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: NASP represents school psychology and supports school psychologists to enhance the learning and mental health of all children and youth. Partnering with all who share their commitment to children and youth is critical to their mission.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) assists state and local workforce development systems to better serve all youth, including youth with disabilities and other disconnected youth. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), the NCWD/Youth is housed at the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, D.C.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: An online catalog reflecting disability culture and awareness.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: A financial guide on how to plan and provide for a child with disabilities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: Self-advocate John Draper is the founder of Together We Rock!, which offers presentations, a School Leadership Program, and resources towards building inclusive and accessible communities.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: National Education Association (2009)
Summary: In today’s dynamic, diverse classrooms, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) offers all educators and students an exciting opportunity to use strategies and technologies that bridge the gap in learner skills, interests, and needs.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Summary: Person-centered planning in the UK.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: The We Connect Now website was created with a grant from YP4 and is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with a particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: For those interested in attending college online as a person with disabilities, read on to learn more!
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Summary: EduBirdie has studied top university lists concerning their campus infrastructure and the amount of disability students among the total number of students, and rates the best disability-friendly colleges in the US.
Resource Type: Additional Resources
Publisher: Institute on Disability, University of New Hampshire (1993)
Summary: This newsletter article provides a rationale for not removing students with disabilities from the mainstream of high school general education instruction in order to teach them functional living skills. It provides several suggestions for how those skills can be taught in natural contexts in school and in community settings alongside non-disabled classmates.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth

Summary: A helpful college planning guide for students with disabilities.
Resource Type: Teachers & Paraeducators, Administrators, Youth
This “Resources for Inclusion” section is supported in part by a grant from the National Inclusion Project, which serves to bridge the gap that exists between young people with disabilities and the world around them. The National Inclusion Project supports communities with inclusive programs to create awareness about the possibilities that inclusion can bring. For more information, visit